Arkay Beverages opens its new R – D center in Glasgow to create non-alcoholic whisky.

Arkay Beverages just opened its new Research & Development center in Glasgow to create identical whisky alternatives

(YourDigitalWall Editorial):- Glasgow, Kentucky Feb 23, 2022 ( – Arkay Beverages just opened its new Research & Development center in Glasgow to create identical whisky alternatives.

The first alcohol-free whisky was created by Arkay Beverages in 2011, and it shouldn’t really be a surprise that the alcohol-free whisky markets saw a massive increase in popularity in the last few years in part thanks to Arkay.

“Arkay Beverages’ new Research & Development center located in Glasgow, Kentucky in the heart of the bourbon country will enable our company to create and develop new alcohol-free whisky alternatives.” said Reynald Vito Grattagliano, Arkay’ founder.

August 11, 2022.