The O’Doul’s of Spirits: Introducing Alcohol-Free Whisky.
Gothamist informs us that the beverage ArKay is being branded as the O’Doul’s of hard alcohol. And, indeed, the company’s website notes that the product brings you
Arkay News
Gothamist informs us that the beverage ArKay is being branded as the O’Doul’s of hard alcohol. And, indeed, the company’s website notes that the product brings you
Launched earlier this month, ArKay was introduced as the world’s first alcohol free whisky drink. Why? I don’t know. My speculation is that there is a chemist somewhere that is working to take all the fun out of life.
A quelques jours des fêtes de fin d’année, les amateurs de Whisky vont pouvoir s’en donner à coeur joie. La marque Arkay va lancer prochainement le tout premier Whisky sans alcool
Le goût exceptionnel du whisky qui ne contient pas d’alcool est en fait une boisson parfaite de nuit comme de jour. ArKay contient 0% d’alcool et a été conçu pour permettre aux gens